Monday, April 18, 2016

Little this, little that

Okay, that was a longer than expected hiatus. Got bit by a cat, had to get a tetanus shot the next day, then a couple days after that the doctor decided to take a bit of blood from me (different reason). All of this happened on my right arm, so it is a little sore. I also got involved in redoing a fanfiction I was working on a few years ago, never got too far in it so there isn't much to tweak. Those things along with being on an antibiotic that my body doesn't take kindly to kept me from opening my laptop-the fanfiction is on my phone so it was in easier access.

First things first, I told y'all that I would show off my childhood holy grail. Here he is!

Northern Lights was the first decorator I was introduced to back when I was eight, and my mom would only buy me Stablemates, so I was out of luck. I now have him, 14 years later, and he is still in his box, fat white zip ties and all! DeEtta has already tried to nibble at the box, so I'm definitely keeping him in there for now. He sits on my dresser where I see him when I wake up and giggle at my fortune. If only it was that easy to find all my childhood holy grails...

I also got around to photographing my little Hartland foals.

They're so darn cute!

They are both the Arabian foal mold unpainted, but they have a few differences. The color is the most obvious. Little pale fella's head is also facing downwards more than its darker companion. then there's these mold marks I know nothing about.


I know nothing about Hartlands, so it might be something simple. For now I don't know. In a way they do remind me of the youngest and most rambunctious kitties of the house, and I managed to get a picture of them together without them moving. They are both alike, but have their own unique quirks.

DeEtta is quickly catching up to Gizmo. 

I have other things I've been working on, but will save for another time when I don't have hormonal kitties crawling all over me. (Gizmo is in heat, and Bear is acting like she will be soon also...)

Monday, April 4, 2016

One crazy week

Well life threw a few twists. The weather has been causing my nerve endings and other neurological tweaks to go haywire to the point of my non medical remedy for my sleep seizures to not work. I've thankfully gone three nights without one, but very exhausted nonetheless. I ripped my pants picking up Snoopy (the 18 pound bundle of ornery at the shelter), and he seemed to find it amusing.

Here he was telling me that he had nothing to do with it.

Work was bustling like crazy, I thought I was going to have dreams of all the customers who were saying "We're from Fairbanks!" "Do you have a Fairbanks special?" "Why don't you guys open an Arbys up in Fairbanks?" (There was an Arbys in Fairbanks, but it got no business at all so it got shut down), and then the good 'ol "I'll have (insert multiples of 10) roast beef sandwiches/sliders." I'm still not sure what in the world was going on to have alot of people from Interior Alaska down here, but it was nuts. With how often we get asked for a Fairbanks special, which is something we stopped doing 8 years ago, I have strongly considered doing a group of decorator custom stablemates and call them "The Fairbanks Special."

I have also managed to create jeweled Egyptian Arabian halters, nothing too fancy but they turned out way better than I expected. Honeysuckle and Sundown really like them.

Honeysuckle's bald face does not like my camera at all.

Spot also gave us a huge scare. She started acting lethargic and uninterested in everything, and the Bengal kittens were watching over her intently. Because she's the leader of the little "colony" and was showing a great deal of weakness, Bear kept on attempting to attack her but was foiled by DeEtta's speed and Gizmo's size every time; so my service animal in training decided to be Spot's body guard. We started to get worried when she stopped grooming herself and was turning down the offer of treats, and started wondering if she needed a vet visit on Friday.
Between Friday night and Saturday morning things took a very bad turn. Spot had been sleeping on my bed since Wednesday by DeEtta's beckoning so I got used to sleeping like a corkscrew. Around the midnight hours going into Saturday I woke up to a very upset and distressed DeEtta who was mewing up a storm and worriedly mothering Spot with Gizmo sitting on the floor upset also. I turned on my light and found Spot bleeding all over my bed and herself and barely responding to the Bengals. Fast forward to a few hours later and we had the vet telling us she has pyometra, basically the cat form of endometriosis, and they were giving her a very small chance of survival. For those who don't know what pyometra and endometriosis are, and are too lazy to look, they are basically infections of the uterus and are very life threatening.
The vet told us the recommended choice was surgery that had a 30% chance that was out of our budget despite getting paid the day before, and there was a smaller chance with how weak she was of it being successful. She did give us the option of trying antibiotics, but told us it had just as much of a chance of being successful, but was way cheaper; so we took that route knowing that if she wasn't better in 48 hours we had to take the sad route of euthanasia. Saturday was still scary with her, but Sunday morning we found her eating and moving around. Since then she's been improving wonderfully, and is strong enough to not need a guardian kitty and swiftly reminded Bear of her place. She still seems a little tired, but I don't blame her. Here's to hoping the next week goes smoother!

Sunday night she was being herself trying to make Jason stop playing Division.