Saturday, October 1, 2016

I have returned!

Very very long absence due to the brain in my laptop crapping out on me and saving up for a new computer. I decided to go with a desktop this time, and I'm slightly intimidated by the large monitor. I have been doing some hobby stuff, mostly experimental painting, and of course spending my waking hours at home with DeEtta and the others. I'm not too sure what else to put for the night so I shall entertain you with a few pictures from my few months of silence.
After a trip to Anchorage for medical testing I made a shelf for Stablemates

DeEtta was heartbroken that Bengal Buddy couldn't fit in the box with her

One of my grails achieved thanks to Chelsea's Model Horses!

Somebody loves paper bags...

...really really loves paper bags

The sisters are the same size, and DeEtta keeps growing and growing

One of my many fails, but it has helped me get a better idea on what I'm doing