Last few days have been a hit and miss with my health, and the antibiotic was wreaking more havoc than the sickness, but I am still alive! And let's just say there were a couple kitties that kept sticking close to me, so I caught them in their "natural habitat." Please forgive the horrendous photo placement.

Gizmo was "helping" me braid...
I was also front row to a Bengal battle! DeEtta was having a good time lounging back, even while slapping Gizmo's paw.
I love this shot, it shows how close in size they are. Gizmo still has more muscle tone than DeEtta.
I also started working on my pony pouches again, and with a new method. It is definitely one that I'm still trying to figure out, and it has bite. So far it has pricked my innocent thumb and nearly mangled a piece of material. Who knew a handheld sewing machine could be so took me an hour to make one pouch for one stablemate. One. Hour. I would be better off hand sewing them unless I can get better at not getting attacked by the machine and making giant snarled messes somehow. It would be nice to get the pouches made for at least the stablemates so that they can quit chafing against each other in their storage tote. One step at a time, or else I will trip and fall.
So cute, but also intimidating...
And don't forget, tomorrow is pi(e) day!!
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