Thursday, May 12, 2016

Getting things done

Again I have been silent, but still doing things! I have two projects that are making progress at a lovely pace, and I'm learning things along the way. And in case you're wondering, yes I've had "help" from the Bengals.

Behold the ever helpful DeEtta putting her trademark kitty staple holes in my spray box! Since she was 11 weeks old she has had a fascination with my model horse hobby and tries to help in her kitten ways, including chewing on the newer models. (Something about the smell of fresh plastic with these guys drives her berserk...) Gizmo has been helping her little sister in the eat horses department, but doesn't discriminate and goes for any and all of them. Their hobby has named one of my project ponies, get ready to meet Bengals Find Me Tasty in her early stages!!

Not too shabby so far. I'm trying a new method for her, which is using matte sealant between each layer. I found out real quick that whatever Breyer uses for a primer doesn't hold the paint too well against my twitches so I had to find a way to protect each detail. So far the only downfall to this method is the fact that I have to step out onto the porch to seal each layer, and Alaskan weather can be far more unpredictable than me after a week off my meds. Let's just say that is not a story to delve into.

I have another project pony making good progress but I'm not ready to show pictures of her yet until I get the giant hole in her belly exposing the speaker parts in her covered up and closer to painting. I have tested the sound and it's great! Best thing is the kittens are too confused to chew on her.

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